Americans are living longer than ever before. With this longer life expectancy comes longer retirement. In fact, the
National Commission on Retirement forecasts that by 2040 the average retirement will last 17.4 years, a full three years
longer than today. In addition, if inflation continues as it has historically (2-3% annually), we can be assured of
decreased purchasing power in the future. Combine these factors with the inabilities of Social Security and we have an
atmosphere detrimental to retirement investing, capable of eroding the buying power of your retirement savings plan.
The richest American families have long combined three secret money making concepts to create their wealth --
Compounding Interest, Tax Deferral and investment in Real Estate among other savvy products. These secrets, when used
with Charitable Trusts, Family Foundations and Private Banking Concepts have been the cornerstone for preserving the
wealth of these family dynasties.

Working with special assets can enable a
knowledgeable investor to profit from their better understanding of the investment and its potential. Why pay someone
else to manage your retirement when you are capable of acquiring substantial retirement savings by investing in what you
know and understand?
Courts have ruled time and again that people can plan their affairs so as to pay the minimum amount of tax possible and
the taxpayer may use any legal means to do so. Americans ventured into the world of offshore a bit late in the game,
nearly forty years after the rest of the world had capitalized on the financial advantages of moving assets offshore.
The fact is that it is still both legal and quite simple for U.S. citizens to shelter their wealth offshore and to
accumulate tax-deferred profits.
Our accounting firm can handle your complete tax filing requirements and we will file the appropriate IRS forms with the
Internal Revenue Service to make sure that you have reported all of your income abroad as is required of every U.S.
citizen and U.S. corporate taxpayer.
The best way to protect your assets is not to own any...only if you own an asset is it vulnerable to attack.

Our specialized expertise and
exclusive connections can now provide you with the same access to the world of the elite "Accredited Investor".
When you utilize a International Business Company (IBC) you can create your own "Investment Bank" where you,
not someone else, has full decision and control. You can use this Investment Bank concept just like Wall Street
professionals, and join with others to pool your investments.
The “Investment Bank” concept consists of attracting individuals with investment savings, offering them attractive rates
of returns, and utilizing these funds to increase your output and profitability. Lending institutions, insurance
companies, and venture capitalists have been using similar concepts for years. By using self-directed IRAs, 401Ks, SEPs,
ROTHs, you can utilize this concept to increase profits and outpace inflation and the competition. Simply move funds
from your existing IRAs to a self-directed IRA, set up the LLC and then move funds into the Investment Bank.
For asset protection and tax reduction, you can use a Nevada Limited Liability Company (LLC) as the "Investment
Bank" manager. Your Nevada LLC acts as “professional funds manager” for your "Investment Bank". Your
Nevada LLC may earn 10% to 20% in Manager fees as the manager of the Nevis Offshore LLC. Additionally, you can
participate in further profits by also being an investor.
You'll guarantee your complete financial privacy by using your Nevis Offshore LLC and Nevada LLC to protect yourself
from lawyers and lawsuits. By doing so, you'll insulate your wealth from liability, confiscation and seizure.
Independent-minded investors have been able to achieve substantial returns for years. From lease options to tax
liens, knowledgeable investors holding special assets have flourished while the mainstream has had neither the
vision nor the knowledge to participate.
A carefully designed corporate strategy allows you to legally reduce your tax burden while also avoiding legal and
taxation problems. Because a corporation has a life of its own, it allows you to care for your loved ones free from
probate court and its associated legal and tax costs and problems.
Simply put . . . you keep more of what you earn!

Working with special assets can enable
a knowledgeable investor to profit from their better understanding of the investment and its potential.
Combining your investment strategies with the use of an IRA and Nevis Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be an
incredible investment pairing. Through the utilization of the IRA’s tax-deferred qualities, investment earnings are able
to grow at a much faster rate than earnings created without this tax-deferred status.
When you combine the magic of compound interest with tax free investments, you can powerfully accelerate the rapid
growth of money
by investing with pre-tax dollars, instead of using after tax dollars.
In addition to listed investments, our clients have the ability to invest in special assets such as:
Structured Settlements
Real Estate
Equipment Leasing
Stocks, Bonds, Options
Promissory Notes
Viatical Settlements
Sales Certificates
Mobile Homes
Factoring Receivables
Deeds of Trust
General Partnerships
Limited Partnerships
Mutual Funds
There exists two investment worlds in America: one for Wall Street bankers and one for ordinary citizens. The first
investment world consists of premium investment opportunities of the most lucrative profitability reserved, by law, for
only the most well-connected or wealthiest of investors. The second world consists of the remaining lessor opportunities
available to ordinary citizens, usually returning marginal returns of 2% or less a year, including stocks, bonds, CDs,
etc. Most common investors have never heard of this 'first-tier' investment world, but they've seen the outlandish
billion-dollar bank profits and bonuses and wondered "How is this even possible?" Clients of John Ewing know, and more importantly can gain access to this secretive investment world.

The Federal Securities Laws of 1933 (Securities) and 1934 (Exchanges) restrict and
place heavy encumbrances upon companies that wish to go public or raise funds and thus prevents many of the best
investment companies from ever offering their investments to anyone except a narrowly defined class of "Accredited
Investors". In short, to be an Accredited Investor you must have a net worth of at least 1 million dollars, or an
annual income exceeding $200,000 for two years. Less than 4% of Americans meet these narrow qualifications, by design.
However, now there is another option!
CREATE YOUR OWN "Private Bank" Strategies
The “Private Bank” concept consists of
attracting individuals with retirement savings, offering them attractive rates of returns, and utilizing these funds
to increase your output and profitability.
Lending institutions, insurance companies, and venture capitalists have been using similar concepts for years.
By using self-directed IRAs you can utilize this concept which will allow you to become more profitable and stay
ahead of the competition.
Simply move funds from your existing IRA to a self-directed IRA. Then set up your LLC and move funds into this
Limited Liability Company.
You can move fast into any investment.
1. Preparation and filing of the Memorandum of Association with the Registrar of Offshore Companies to create and
incorporate the IBC.
2. Appointment and payment of a registered agent for one year for the IBC.
3. Appointment and payment of an Officer/Director to serve the IBC for one year.
4. Preparation of the initial Minutes, filing of the Notice of Registered Office, and issuance of Share
5. An offshore account may be established.
6. Your IBC will be formed in three business days. To ensure complete anonymity, this can all be done over the
telephone and payment may be made by credit card.
7. We can arrange for all wire transfers into and out of any offshore account to be completed with total
DISCLAIMER: All information contained in this website is for education purposes only. John Ewing, and its agents and affiliates, cannot and will not render any legal, investment, financial or tax
advice of any kind, unless said agent or affiliate is duly licensed by the applicable state and/or federal authority
to give said advice.
PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS: A prohibited transaction is any improper use of your IRA account by you, your beneficiary,
or by any disqualified person. The following are prohibited transactions: Borrowing money from your IRA • Selling
personal property to your IRA. • Receiving unreasonable compensation for managing your IRA investments • Using your
IRA as a security for a loan • Purchasing property for personal use with IRA funds. • Purchasing collectibles with
IRA funds • Purchasing assets owned by yourself, your spouse or other family members with IRA funds • Your business
may not be located on the property owned by you.
NOT AN OFFER OF SECURITIES: Not intended as individual legal, tax or financial advice. We are not a broker or agent for any particular investment, but we share information with our clients about
changing market conditions and attractive investment opportunities as we become aware of them.
Each year, increasing numbers of investors are
attracted by international financial centers to establish businesses in the form of an offshore company, offshore
trust, offshore mutual fund, offshore insurance company, offshore bank account or to even start their own offshore
bank. It is estimated that 60% of the world's wealth is held in offshore accounts through offshore companies and
that 50% of the world's trade in goods is transacted through various offshore jurisdictions. As the years have
progressed, so has the application of offshore services and the number of offshore
jurisdictions offering such benefits.
Offshore companies or offshore trusts are not the illicit hideaways from tax authorities as sometimes presented.
When set up and managed correctly they provide asset protection in a perfectly legal manner. In simple terms, an
International Business Corporation can provide excellent asset protection and privacy while at the same time
provides a client with excellent access to International Investment Banking opportunities.
Just a quick 270 miles from Miami, the Commonwealth of the Cayman Islands is an independent country within the
British Commonwealth of Nations. There are no income taxes, capital gains taxes, or corporate, estate, profit,
sales, value added, gift, or inheritance taxes. There are also no taxation agreements with other countries and no
tax treaty with the U.S.
The Offshore Protection Plan is everything you need to begin your new International Business Corporation
(IBC) and operate legally with complete Asset Protection. Offshore Protection is quick and very affordable.
Offshore banking has increased rapidly around the world since the mid-1960s because of the growth and liquidity of
world financial markets. The full spectrum of financial services from offshore banks include deposit taking, money
transmissions, provision of foreign exchange, trade finance, credit facilities, investment custody, investment
management, fund management, trustee services, and corporate administration.
Offshore banks provide access to politically and economically stable offshore jurisdictions that may be of advantage
for those living in areas where there is a risk of expropriation or where there is instability or corruption within
the banking system. Many offshore banks offer services that may be unavailable in one's country of residence. The
British Virgin and Cayman Islands, to name a few, prohibit the disclosure to any third-party of information
pertaining to a client’s affairs without the client ’s explicit written permission under penalty of law. Some
offshore banks may even provide higher interest rates than banks in the home country.
The majority of offshore banks operate within highly regulated environments under national monetary bodies such as
Central Banks, Financial Services Commissions, etc. These banks are required to maintain capital adequacy
requirements in accordance with international standards, and they must submit financial reports at least quarterly
to the regulator on the current state of their business.
One common misconception about offshore banking and offshore accounts is that they can legally prevent assets from
being subject to personal income tax or interest. This conception is usually not applicable because the personal
income tax statutes of most countries makes no distinction between interest earned in local banks and those earned
abroad. For instance, people subject to US income tax are required to declare any offshore bank earnings they may
An offshore bank account will allow you to safely and privately explore, with few restrictions, the far reaches of
the vast and diverse financial universe; from the bond markets of Korea to the stock exchanges of Eastern Europe;
from ultra-private Liechtenstein trust arrangements to the most successful funds; from unique commodity investments
to Caribbean corporations; from Israeli nanotech start-ups to age-old European blue-chips; from the mysterious and
secretive world of offshore mutual funds to tax-free Swiss gold accounts; from Isle of Man Insurance contracts to
Danish multi-currency investment accounts; from uniquely structured tax-free Austrian funds to Bulgarian mortgages;
and much more beyond.
The profile of a typical offshore bank account holder generally depends upon whether the account holder is an
individual client or a corporate client, but both have one thing in common, offshore banking provides a series of
advantages for both.

Offshore banks provide access to politically and economically stable jurisdictions. This may be an advantage for
those residents in areas where there is a risk of political or economic turmoil who fear their assets may be frozen,
seized, or disappear - eg. during economic crisis, etc.
Some offshore banks may operate with a lower cost base and can provide higher interest rates than the rate in your
home country due to lower overheads and a lack of government interference.
Interest is generally paid by offshore banks without tax deducted. This is an advantage to individuals who do not
pay tax on worldwide income or who do not pay tax until a tax return is prepared.
Some offshore banks offer banking services that may not be available from domestic banks such as anonymous offshore
bank accounts, numbered accounts, higher or lower rate loans based on risk and investment opportunities not
available elsewhere.
Offshore banking is often linked to corporate structures such as offshore companies, offshore trusts or foundations
which may have specific tax and asset protection advantages for some individuals.
Offshore finance is one of the few industries, along with tourism, that geographically remote island nations can
competitively engage in. Offshore banking and finance can thus help developing countries to source investments and
create growth in their economies. Offshore banking creates additional tax and banking competition and is an
advantage to the industry as tax competition allows people to choose an appropriate balance of services and
Move funds from your existing IRA to a self-directed IRA.
Set up your IBC and then move funds into a Nevis
Limited Liability Company. You now have control to move funds into high yield investments tax free and
compound your earnings.
Insulate your wealth from liability, confiscation and seizure using a single member IBC directly owned by your
self-directed IRA account.
Using funds from your self-directed IRA and IBC combination, you can load up your tax free and deductible
investment year after year.
If you are buying offshore properties, you can qualify your next investment as a large down payment on real
estate. As you contribute to your IRA you are able to get tax deductions. You can bring down the mortgage by
doubling up your payments. Learn how the real estate professionals are doing it.
Guarantee your complete financial privacy by using your self-directed IRA and IBC in combination to protect you
from lawyers and lawsuits.
You can use a IBC as your investment company with the only member partner being your IRA. You become the “funds
manager”. Create your own “Private Bank” where you, not someone else, have decision control. Use this Private
Banking concept just like the professionals on Wall Street. Join with others and pool your investments.
Who should use an ibc?
People who have worked hard for their financial rewards, and who want to keep their assets secret and out of reach
of lawyers and lawsuits or seizure by government agencies:
- Anyone who is the potential target of a lawsuit
- Anyone concerned about The Patriot Act
Anyone with a high net worth
- Anyone paying high premiums for liability insurance
- Professionals and business owners
- Individuals who need to keep their financial affairs private
- Anyone needing to separate high-risk investments from other assets
- Anyone wishing to buy bonds, securities, and mutual funds or precious metals not available to U.S.
The ‘type’ of person who falls into the above three categories range from those with inherited wealth to those
who have earned it; all utilize offshore banking for the benefits of taxation planning, estate planning, privacy
and asset protection.
other advantages of ibcs
The first step in becoming judgment-proof is to get your assets out of your personal name.
One of the best ways to do this is to transfer your liquid assets into an offshore corporation. This is a legal
entity that you control. Lawyers for plaintiffs will only continue to pursue cases they believe wil pay off, not
those against judgment-proof defendants. The best way of getting the plaintiff's lawyer to accept a token
settlement is to convince the lawyer that you have no assets.
By forming an offshore international business company, you create a legal entity to hold liquid assets. And
no one knows who the owner is. All of the investgative agencies, which help trial lawyers, ex-spouses,
ex-business partners, and creditors locate the wealth of the defendants they want to sue, will not be able to
see or locate your offshore accounts. This makes you a poor prospect for a lawsuit.
- An IBC and its shareholders are exempted from the payment of offshore business license fees, income taxes,
corporation taxes, capital gains taxes, or any other taxes on income or distribution in connection with any
transaction to which the IBC or the shareholder is a party
- No estate, inheritance, succession, or profits tax is payable to any offshore haven with respect to its
shares, debt obligations or other securities.
- The minimum number of subscribers and directors is one. Names of shareholders are not recorded in any public
registry. No filing of financial statements or annual returns listing shareholders is required.
- Meetings of directors and shareholders may be held by telephone or fax or other electronic means.
- An IBC is not subject to any offshore currency exchange control regulations.
- Government registration and annual fees are low.
- No offshore tax returns are required of any kind.
- Any account may be held in any currency. Any account may be held in a money market fund.
- All offshore income can be reported discreetly with the use of a private Nevada Corporation.
Is it legal for me to have an offshore bank account?
Yes, absolutely legal. Offshore banking has been routinely and legally used for many years by individuals and
organizations worldwide. Because many countries encourage international trade and enterprise, there are usually
only limited restrictions on residents doing business or having bank accounts in other countries. However,
reporting requirements on these accounts differ from country to country.
Why should I bank offshore?
There are many reasons to bank offshore. Reasons include asset protection, estate planning, confidentiality,
better returns and the chance to exploit active business interests overseas from a zero tax jurisdiction with
near hermetic confidentiality.
Is it convenient to use offshore banks?
Yes. With Internet, e-mail, fax and telephone banking and the use of ATMs, your money is just as accessible as
it is from your local bank account. You can easily and quickly transfer your money around the world by
electronic transfer and can effectively bank wherever you are.